A Visit to the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

As I begin counting down the days until summer finally arrives in Nova Scotia I find myself reflecting on the wonderful experiences I had in the summer of 2023. One of the highlights was certainly my visit to Cambridge to speak and participate in the Summer School on Mathematics of Movement.

It was wonderful to re-connect with some researchers I had met before including Ran Nathan as well as meet many new ones!

in front of the iNI

DINNER AT COrpus christi college cambridge

BRIN Mathematics Research Center (Post snowstorm!)

After a failed start due to the longest snowstorm in recent memory (February 2-4, 2024) I made it to the University of Maryland to participate in a workshop on ‘Applied Stochastic Processes for Encounter Problems’ organized by Bill Fagan and Ricardo Martinez-Garcia.

It was a wonderful week that included some insightful discussions with Ruth Baker, Justin Calabrese, Chris Fleming, Sarah Davidson and Rebcca Tyson among others. I enjoyed reconnecting with my fellow Canuck Mark Lewis!

A quick visit to Washington DC capped off the week with a wonderful walk through the National Portrait Gallery.

A Tour of the Belle Carnell (September 2023)

Much gratitude to NSERC, Clearwater Seafoods and Fisheries and Oceans Canada for funding our Alliance Grant on ‘Advancing spatio-temporal stock assessment models to integrate high-resolution seafloor mapping data for more sustainable, ecosystem-based, harvest strategies for Canadian shellfish’.

Our tour of the Belle Carnell has been one of this project highlights to date. My favorite part was getting to meet and speak with the incredible team on board.

Year 2 Workshop of CANSSI CRT -- Towards Sustainable Fisheries: SSAMs for Complex Fisheries and Biological Data

CANSSI CRT (2018-2021) — Towards Sustainable Fisheries: State Space Assessment Models for Complex Fisheries and Biological Data— is a collaborative research team (CRT) project funded by the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) that I lead. This year, we were very grateful to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICEA) for hosting our Year-2 Workshop from April 14 to 16, in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Gordon Research Conference 2019: Movement Ecology of Animals


From March 3 to 8, 2019, Animal Movement as a Link Between Ecology, Evolution and Behavior was held at Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco in Lucca (Barga), Italy. I had the pleasure of attending the conference and gave an invited talk on "Statistical Tools for Validating Animal Movement Models".

Click here to learn more about the conference.